Art Qualification Projects

Heartbreak Landscape

Heartbreak Landscape ist eine mäandernde Einzelspieler-Koop-Installation. Sie ermöglicht simultane Interaktionen mit verschiedenen Elementen von Wetter- und Vegetationssimulationen, zarten Landschaften und müden Tieren an unterschiedlichen Orten, die gleichzeitig miteinander verbunden und unabhängig voneinander sind.


Tobias Zarges arbeitet an Schnittstellen von Grafik, Sound, Narration und Interaktion und lehrt, forscht und experimentiert an der Kunsthochschule Kassel zu den Möglichkeiten narrativer und spielerischer Systeme, poetischer und widerspenstiger Simulationen sowie komplexer und ambivalenter Welten. 

Screenshot: Tobias Zarges

Its Tentacles Are the Wind — (它的触手是风 –)

Its Tentacles Are the Wind (它的触手是风) delves into the complexities of AI, shame, female experiences, and human emotions in interactions with other species. Through the use of 3D-scanned representations of a mother and AI-rendered depictions of a grandmother, the artwork provides a multifaceted exploration of how shame is experienced and expressed across different generations and social contexts. In a virtual environment powered by Unreal Engine and AI technologies, viewers engage with these characters, uncovering personal narratives that reflect the pressures and cultural shifts impacting women’s emotions.

Echo Can Luo’s artistic work integrates diverse narratives to observe biases and differentiation in algorithms during model application and testing, exploring the reconstruction of racial identity and gender equity in the digital world. She studied new media at Kunsthochschule Kassel and is currently working on her art qualification project with Johanna Schaffer and Joel Baumann.

Rendering Image: Echo Can Luo