Simon Strick, Johanna Schaffer, in: Der Tagesspiegel vom 23.02.2023, Seite 12 / Wissenschaft
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Simon Strick, Johanna Schaffer, in: Der Tagesspiegel vom 23.02.2023, Seite 12 / Wissenschaft
2023-PDF-Denunzieren, Agitieren, Eskalieren: Tagesspiegel_Strick_Schaffer
On Being Turned Off. An Un_Timely Lab by the Re:Coding Algorithmic Culture research project. was developed within the context of the research project ReCoding Algorithmic Culture and run from April 20 to April 27, 2020. Here is a reflection on the lab collectively written by its organizers.
For the website, considerations of accessibility were a core aspect of designing, coding and writing. Our decision to publish our work as a website derives from our wish to contribute to digital spaces with queer- and transfeminist, antiableist, antiracist perspectives. We do however recognize that this is a fine line to walk for a production within hegemonic, european-western academic institutions. We present an overview from our public labs, as well as collective and individual research of project participants.
The website was designed and developed by Ipek Burçak, Isabel Paehr, Johanna Schaffer, Loren Britton and Nicole spiders.
Hier steht zum Download bereit die großartige studentische Publikation zum Lehrprojekt Pattern/Code: Critical Weaving der Theorie und Praxis der Visuellen Kommunikation & der Studienwerkstatt Textil im Sommersemester 2020:
Layout und Design: Joshua Gundlach, Leonore Schubert
Lektorat: Carolin Angulo Hammes
The online brochure “Studying at the Kunsthochschule Kassel” was instigated and largely prepared by the student initiative PANALOBBY. Editing work was done by Cigdem Özdemir and Johanna Schaffer. Kathi Seemann designed the brochure, which was created for those who would like to register to study at the Kunsthochschule as international students. At the same time the brochure is aimed at people who are already at the Kunsthochschule, or at the University of Kassel, to which the art school belongs. The information in the brochure about what is required to attend the art school as an international student also applies to this target group.
The editors hope that the brochure “Studying at the Kunsthochschule Kassel” will facilitate access to the Kunsthochschule Kassel for international students.
You can download the brochure here.
And this here is the fabulous Poster wege_der_dokumente/journey of the documents which is trying to make us all understand the very complicated process international applicants have to go through in order to be able to study at the Kunsthochschule. Created by the same people who did the brochure.
Sichtbarkeit. Epistemologie und Politik eines Schlüsselbegriffs analoger und digitaler Medienrealitäten. in: Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht. Perspektiven und Befunde der feministischen Kommunikations- und Medienforschung.Hg.
Katja Diefenbach, Johanna Schaffer, Michael Dreyer. 30.06.2018, Berlin. in: TEACH-IN. Diskursreihe zum Kunst- und Gestaltungsstudium Nr. 2. Hg. Michael Dreyer, Merz Akademie, 2018, S. 4-24
Why Arts, Design, and Moving-Image-Based Research at the Kunsthochschule Kassel? In: And What About Your „Good Morning, New World“? Ausst. Kat. Kunsthochschule Kassel und CAA Hangzhou., S. 15–17.
Diedrich Diederichsen, Johanna Schaffer. Gespräch vom 29.1.2011. (Das Gespräch ist Teil einer Reihe von Interviews, die Johanna Schaffer mit Projektpartner_innen des transdisziplinären Projektes »Troubling Research. Performing Knowledge in the Arts« der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien führte. Es wurde in englischer Sprache publiziert in: Troubling Research. Performing Knowledge in the Arts, hg. von Carola Dertnig u.a., Sternberg Press, Wien 2014.) in: TEACH-IN. Diskursreihe zum Kunst- und Gestaltungsstudium Nr. 1, Hg. Michael Dreyer, Merz Akademie, April 2018
The Staging of Conflict as Critique of Authority. A Kunsthochschule Kassel based research report. in: Kunstvermittlung zeigen / Representing Art Education. Hg. Carmen Moersch, Sigrid Schade, Sophie Voegele. Wien: Zaglossus 2017. S. 707-749
Empathie, Ignoranz und migrantisch situiertes Wissen. Gemeinsam an der Auflösung des NSU-Komplexes arbeiten. in: Den NSU Komplex analysieren. Aktuelle Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft. Hg. Juliane Karakayali, Cagri Kahveci, Doris Liebscher, Carl Melchers. transcript 20017 (gemeinsam mit Ayse Gülec)
Carola Dertnig, Simonetta Ferfoglia, Tom Holert, Heinrich Pichler, Johannes Porsch, Johanna Schaffer, Stefanie Seibold, Axel Stockburger: Troubling Research. Performing Knowledge in the Arts. Sternberg Press, Mai 2014 sternberg press und troublingresearch
Formlos, wie Spucke. In: Rachel Mader, Radikal Ambivalent. Engagement und Verantwortung in den Künsten heute. Diaphanes, April 2014. S. 209-222. diaphanes
From the distance, closer. A conversation. / Aus der Distanz, näher. Ein Gespräch. Sabelo Mlangeni with / mit Julia Bavyka and / und Johanna Schaffer, in: Sabelo Mlangeni. postapart/heid communities. / Ausst.Kat. Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien 2014.
Johanna Schaffer (with/out Vlatka Frketić): Queering Imperial Antiracism? Reflexive Notes on Intent and Method of Our Workshop with the Same Title at the Import-Export-Transport Conference. in: Sushila Mesquita, Maria Katharina Wiedlack, Katrin Lasthofer (Hg.): Import – Export – Transport. Queer Theory, Queer Critique and Activism in Motion. Wien: Zaglossus 2012, S. 319-326.
Petja Dimitrova, Eva Egermann, Jens Kastner, Tom Holert, Johanna Schaffer: Regime. Wie Dominanz organisiert und Ausdruck formalisiert wird. Edition Assemblage, Juli 2012. edition-assemblage
Belinda Kazeem, Johanna Schaffer: Talking back. bell hooks und schwarze feministische Ermächtigung. in: Julia Reuter, Alexandra Karentzos (Hg.): Schlüsselwerke der Postcolonial Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer 2012, S. 177-188
Johanna Schaffer: Interviews. What is it that makes research in the arts so different, so appealing? Johannes Porsch, Axel Stockburger, Tom Holert, Diedrich Diederichsen, Stefanie Seibold, Heinrich Pichler, Carola Dertnig, Simonetta Ferfoglia. Wien: Akademie der Bildenden Künste, 2011. download-interview-booklet
Barbara Paul & Johanna Schaffer: Mehr(wert) queer: visuelle Kultur, Kunst und Gender-Politiken. Queer (added value): Visual Culture, Art and Gender Politics. Bielefeld: transcript 2009
Johanna Schaffer: Ambivalenzen der Sichtbarkeit. Über die Visuellen Strukturen der Anerkennung. Bielefeld: transcript 2008