Morgengymnastik / Morning Work-Out


hosted by Cilian Woywod, Robin Vehrs, Anke Dyes und Johanna Schaffer

Every Wednesday and Thursday  Friday 10.00 – 11.20 am

This class starts from our need to meet: A wish to talk and think together, about a collective event that drastically individualizes us, forces us into separation. We propose to meet in the morning, for roughly an hour, three days a week, to regroup to think and share collectively again.

Our questions are: How we mediate our own, personal experience through the content we read, watch or listen to, and, how our collective experiences are mediated through the specifics of the digital platforms that we use to stay in touch.

For this, we’ll change platforms (Skype, Zoom, Jitsi, Discord, Slack etc.) every week where everyone can share the content that they want to talk about.

For registration, send an email to Cilian at woywod(at) until each week’s monday evening. Cilian will let you know that week’s tuesday how to technically join the morning work-out starting wednesday. Please be on time for the work-outs, digital doors close at 10.05h.

The Morning Work-Outs are open to all students, but the group’s size will be limited to 20 people. However, the group will reshuffle every week, so there will be multiple opportunities to join.  Students register via Email, and the registration is good for one week. Please commit to your registration, i.e. be there for the class once you register. If you can’t make it, send an email so people from the waiting list can join.

We propose doing these Morning Work-Outs until end of May. (Anke will leave as a host End of April). After May, there will be new infos, changed situations, different necessities and new ideas.